Using examples of prior community service experience to enhance reflection skills in community service-learning

Autor: Mark C. Baetz
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Reflective Practice. 12:777-790
ISSN: 1470-1103
Popis: Community service-learning (CSL) is an educational approach which depends on students reflecting about their learning from service in the community. The pre-service phase of CSL involves reflecting about learning from prior community service. This paper reports on how results of a survey of students who reflected on prior community service can be used in the pre-service phase of courses with a CSL component to illustrate the principle of reciprocity and possible learning outcomes associated with CSL, and to demonstrate how course theory can be applied to community service experiences. The survey also provided examples of possible responses to specific reflection questions in syllabi for courses with CSL. This approach of using examples of prior community service experiences was seen as playing a significant role in effectively introducing students to the reflective process embedded in CSL.
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