On the intersection of the class of linear context-free languages and the class of single-reset languages

Autor: K W Wagner
Rok vydání: 1986
Zdroj: Information Processing Letters. 23:143-146
ISSN: 0020-0190
DOI: 10.1016/0020-0190(86)90114-6
Popis: In [2,8] it has been conjectured that the intersection of the class of linear context-free languages (i.e., languages accepted by nondeterministic machines with a one-way input tape and a one-reversal pushdown) and the class of single-reset languages (i.e., languages accepted by nondeterministic machines with a one-way input tape and a single-reset tape) coincides with the class of one-reversal one-counter languages (i.e., languages accepted by nondeterministic machines with a one-way input tape and a one-reversal counter). In the present paper we disprove this conjecture by constructing a counterexample. In other words, we show that (within this context) counters are not the intersection of pushdowns and queues. In [1], the related conjecture has been stated that the intersection of the class of linear contextfree languages and the class of one-counter languages (i.e., languages accepted by nondeterministic machines with a one-way input tape and a counter) coincides with the class of one-reversal one-counter languages. Starrting from the abovementioned result (which was included in an earlier version of the present paper), this conjecture has been disproved by Brandenburg [4]. Stimulated by the result in [4], we have investigated the question of whether at least the intersection of all three classes, namely the class of linear context-free languages, the class of single-reset languages, and the class of one-counter languages, coincides with the class of one-reversal one-counter languages. We show that even this is not true by constructing a counterexample which is simultaneously a counterexample to the conjecture in [2,8] as well as the conjecture in [1].
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