A comparison of the results of the bicaval and biatrial surgical technique in orthotopic heart transplantation: A review and meta-analysis

Autor: Kaan Kirali, Cevat Yakut
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 20:672-681
ISSN: 1301-5680
Popis: Amac: Bu calismada ortotopik kalp naklinde bikaval ve biatriyal tekniklerin sonuclari degerlendirildi. Ca­lis­ma­ pla­ni:­ Mayis 1966 ve Mayis 2011 tarihleri arasinda, PubMed, Medline ve Google gibi elektronik arama motorlari ve kalp ve damar cerrahisiyle ilgili dergiler manuel olarak incelenerek, literatur taramasi yapildi. Kapsama kriterlerine uyan toplam 36 prospektif ve retrospektif kontrollu calisma meta-analize dahil edildi. Her iki teknigin sonuclari, anlamli heterojenite olup olmamasina gore, rastgele ve sabit etki yontemi kullanilarak degerlendirildi. Istatistik degerlendirme Comprehensive Meta Analysis version 2 yazilimi kullanilarak yapildi. Bul gu lar: Elde edilen sekiz meta-analiz sonucunun (trikuspit ve mitral yetmezlik, kalici veya gecici pacemaker gereksinimi, sinus ritmi, 1 ve 10 yillik sagkalim, sag atriyal basinc) anlamli olarak bikaval grupta, biatriyal gruba gore daha iyi oldugu bulundu. So­nuc:­Calisma bulgulari, biatriyal teknige kiyasla, bikaval teknigin sonuclarinin daha iyi oldugunu gostermektedir. Bikaval anastomoz tekniginin sagladigi klinik ve hemodinamik yararlar goz onunde bulunduruldugunda, morbiditeyi olumlu yonde etkileyebilecegini dusunmekteyiz. Anah tar soz cuk ler: Anastomoz; kalp nakli; meta-analiz; derleme; cerrahi yontemler. Background:­This study aims to evaluate the outcomes of bicaval and biatrial techniques in orthotopic heart transplantation. Methods: Between May 1966 and May 2011, a literature survey was conducted using electronic search engines including PubMed, Medline and Google and manually surveying the magazines on heart and vascular surgery. A total of 36 prospective and retrospective controlled studies which met the inclusion criteria were included in the metaanalysis. The outcomes of both techniques were evaluated using random and fixed-effect method, based on their significant heterogeneous nature. Statistical analysis was performed using Comprehensive Meta Analysis version 2 software. Results:­It was found that the results of eight meta-analyses obtained (tricuspid and mitral insufficiency, the need for permanent or temporary pacemaker, sinus rhythm, survival at 1 and 10 year, the right atrial pressure) were significantly improved in bicaval group, compared to the biatrial group. Conclusion:­Our study results showed that the outcomes of the bicaval technique were better, compared to biatrial technique. We believe that the bicaval anastomosis technique may have a positive effect on morbidity, due to its clinical and hemodynamical benefits.
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