Detrital Feeding in Natural Zooplankton Communities: Discrimination Between Live and Dead Algal Foods

Autor: Kenneth G. Bogdan, Peter L. Starkweather
Rok vydání: 1980
Zdroj: Rotatoria ISBN: 9789400992115
Popis: Freshwater Zooplankton species differ in their consumption of live and dead algal cells when tested in situ. Using isotopicallylabeled living and heat-killed Chlamydomonas reinhardti as models for phytoplankton and detrital ses ton, respectively, we tested differential feeding on these foods by 3 rotifers and 2 microcrustaceans. Keratella cochlearis selectively feeds on ‘detrital’ materials while 2 sympatric rotifer species, Conochilus dossuarius and Kellicottia bostoniensis show no ability to discriminate between the living and dead foods. Both the copepod Diaptomus spatulocrenatus and a cladoceran, Bosmina sp., differentially consume living cells.
Databáze: OpenAIRE