Pleistocene turtles of Port Kennedy Cave (late Irvingtonian), Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Autor: David C. Parris, Edward B. Daeschler
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Journal of Paleontology. 69:563-568
ISSN: 1937-2337
Popis: The Late Irvingtonian fauna of Port Kennedy Cave, Pennsylvania, includes four species of turtles. Terrapene carolina is the most common species; Clemmys insculpta is present. A nearly complete plastron of Emydoidea blandingii from Port Kennedy and two specimens from New Jersey sites indicate that the species ranged through the Delaware Valley region during much of the Quaternary. The type material of Clemmys percrassa Cope is reidentified as Geochelone (Hesperotestudo) percrassa Cope, and becomes one of the more northeasterly records of the genus in North America.
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