Évaluation de l’indexation des comptes rendus médicaux à l’aide d’un outil états-unien adapté pour le français

Autor: Peter L. Elkin, Stéfan Jacques Darmoni, Saoussen Sakji
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Informatique et Santé ISBN: 9782817802848
Popis: Objective: To evaluate the ability of the bilingual (French-English) language vocabulary server to identify the same main concepts of ICD-10 (International Classification of Disease v.10) in the same set of French and English Electronic Health Records. Material and methods: The Intelligent Natural Language Processor (iNLP) was adapted to parse French as well as English clinical content. Six clinical notes were translated from French to English. The English notes were processed with the English version of ICD-10 and the French notes were processed with the French version. The resultant codes were compared. Results: The English Version contained 36 concepts of which 26 were in common with the French Version (72.2%). Failure analysis showed that errors were mostly due to missing synonymy in the French ICD-10 terminology server and to problems associated with translating the records from French to English. Discussion: Multi-lingual iNLP is feasible and has the potential to enable querying across national boundaries and multi-lingual communities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE