PLEIADES: A picosecond Compton scattering x-ray source for advanced backlighting and time-resolved material studies

Autor: Alan J Wootton, Jaroslav Kuba, David Gibson, John K. Crane, W. J. Brown, Christopher P. J. Barty, E. P. Hartouni, Gregory P. Le Sage, Aaron Tremaine, D. R. Slaughter, James Rosenzweig, David N. Fittinghoff, Rex Booth, Fred Hartemann, S. Anderson, P. T. Springer, Robert R. Cross, Shawn Betts
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Physics of Plasmas. 11:2857-2864
ISSN: 1089-7674
Popis: The PLEIADES (Picosecond Laser-Electron Inter-Action for the Dynamical Evaluation of Structures) facility has produced first light at 70 keV. This milestone offers a new opportunity to develop laser-driven, compact, tunable x-ray sources for critical applications such as diagnostics for the National Ignition Facility and time-resolved material studies. The electron beam was focused to 50 μm rms, at 57 MeV, with 260 pC of charge, a relative energy spread of 0.2%, and a normalized emittance of 5 mm mrad horizontally and 13 mm mrad vertically. The scattered 820 nm laser pulse had an energy of 180 mJ and a duration of 54 fs. Initial x rays were captured with a cooled charge-coupled device using a cesium iodide scintillator; the peak photon energy was approximately 78 keV, with a total x-ray flux of 1.3×106 photons/shot, and the observed angular distribution found to agree very well with three-dimensional codes. Simple K-edge radiography of a tantalum foil showed good agreement with the theoretical divergence-...
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