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El sector agropecuario ha tenido una incidencia importante en el desarrollo del Ecuador, debido a que su rol no se limita unicamente al sostenimiento de la soberania alimentaria, sino que ademas contribuye significativamente en la economia, a traves de los tributos que las empresas constituidas en esta rama aportan al erario nacional. Pese a lo indicado, no se ha encontrado exento frente a la crisis surgida por el COVID-19, reflejandose este efecto en los ingresos percibidos y, por consiguiente, en las arcas estatales. Por lo expuesto, se plantea como objetivo analizar el impacto economico del sector agropecuario ecuatoriano por la pandemia, a traves de la revision de las cifras arrojadas por las instituciones estatales durante los anos 2019 y 2020, siendo una investigacion de enfoque cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo que, mediante el analisis documental de fuentes primarias y secundarias de informes economicos, articulos cientificos, articulos economicos, articulos institucionales y otros, con el uso de matrices permite cumplir el proposito de estudio. Entre los principales resultados se determina que, a pesar que el sector se mantuvo operativo durante la pandemia, refleja una caida del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) con un decrecimiento en comparacion al 2019, siendo un resultado similar para el Valor Agregado Bruto del sector no petrolero cayendo en -6.6% en contraste al -1.1% del periodo anterior, generando una reduccion del 13% en el pago de impuesto a la renta en el periodo antes mencionado desencadenado por los elevados costos de insumos y servicios conexos, entre otros. The agricultural sector has had an important impact on Ecuador's development, since its role is not only limited to sustaining food sovereignty, but also contributes significantly to the economy through the taxes that companies in this sector contribute to the national treasury. In spite of the above, it has not been exempt from the crisis caused by COVID-19, reflecting this effect in the income received and, consequently, in the state coffers. Therefore, the objective is to analyze the economic impact of the Ecuadorian agricultural sector due to the pandemic, through the review of the figures provided by state institutions during the years 2019 and 2020, being a quantitative approach research of descriptive type that, through the documentary analysis of primary and secondary sources of economic reports, scientific articles, economic articles, institutional articles and others, with the use of matrices allows to fulfill the purpose of the study. Among the main results it is determined that, although the sector remained operative during the pandemic, it reflects a fall in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) with a decrease compared to 2019, being a similar result for the Gross Added Value of the non-oil sector falling by -6.6% in contrast to -1.1% of the previous period, generating a reduction of 13% in the payment of income tax in the aforementioned period triggered by the high costs of inputs and related services, among others. |