Experience of low-intensity LED radiation (LILEDR) in combination treatment of radiation-induced rectal injuries

Autor: Tatiana G. Chalabova, Ekaterina O. Vasilieva, Elena A. Sheiko, Pavel G. Sakun, Vitaliy I. Voshedskiy, Stanislav G. Vlasov, Alla V. Pustovalova, Elena A. Karnaukhova, Olga G. Rodionova, Sergey N. Kabanov, Marina A. Gusareva, Anna A. Solntseva, Yulia N. Krokhmal, Vladimir A. Dontsov
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of Clinical Oncology. 39:e17514-e17514
ISSN: 1527-7755
Popis: e17514 Background: Malignant pelvic tumors account for more than 25% of cancer incidence in Russia. Radiation therapy is the most common treatment for such patients; however, 10-15% of patients develop radiation-induced complications of the pelvic organs, and more effective treatments are required to manage these complications. Methods: The study included 30 patients with cervical cancer T3NхM0 after combination treatment. 7-10 months after combined radiation treatment (total radiation dose to the primary focus 80 Gy), patients developed erosive ulcerative radiation rectitis (RTOG grade 1 and 2). Patients were divided into 2 groups: main group (n = 15) – conservative treatment combined with LILEDR. Each course included 10 LILEDR sessions, the red spectrum λ = 640 nm on the cubital vein projection (exposure time 5 minutes, dose 6.86 J/cm2) and locally on the ulcerated zones (exposure time 3 minutes, dose 3.96 J/cm2). Patients received 2 LILEDR courses with a 1-month interval. The control group received only conservative therapy. Results: Main clinical manifestations of rectitis (tenesmus, bloody mucous discharge) disappeared in the main group already on the 3-4th day of the first course, epithelialization of ulcerative defects occurred in a shorter period of 7-10 days. Soft superficial scars not causing rectal stenosis formed at the site of the ulcer by the end of LILEDR courses. The control group showed long periods of the ulcer epithelialization up to 30 days, late remission and a lingering recurrent character of the disease. Conclusions: LILEDR in combination with the main conservative therapy allows rapid managing with the clinical symptoms of radiation rectitis and regression of disorders developed after the complex treatment, which improves the quality of life of patients and shortens the rehabilitation period.
Databáze: OpenAIRE