Novel Shell Stock–Recruitment Models for Crassostrea virginica as a Function of Regional Shell Effective Surface Area, A Missing Link for Sustainable Management

Autor: Kathy A. Ashton-Alcox, Kathleen M. Hemeon, Thomas M. Soniat, Leanne M. Poussard, Laura K. Solinger, Eric N. Powell, Sara M. Pace
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal of Shellfish Research. 39
ISSN: 0730-8000
DOI: 10.2983/035.039.0310
Popis: Stock–recruitment relationships (SRR) are used by many resource managers as a metric to evaluate stock reproductive potential and rebuilding capacity when harvested. This relationship is more evident in traditional finfish stock assessment models where larvae are frequently limited by the abundance of spawning adults, whereas invertebrate resources are much more confounding and often do not express a clear spawning SRR. Oysters in particular appear to be limited more strongly by post-settlement mortality as larvae are regularly demonstrated to be present in high abundance in response to timely shell plants; yet unexpectedly, a brood SRR appears to be present. Because of the unique life history of oysters which provide their own habitat through reef accretion, a posit is that the quantity and quality of such habitat are crucial determinants of recruitment to the stock, and habitat quality acts as a surrogate for brood stock in the stock–recruit relationship. An extensive dataset from Delaware Bay with a 65-y time series was analyzed to assess the relationship between available Crassostrea virginica natural reef materials and subsequent spat (
Databáze: OpenAIRE