Unapređena metodologija za rešavanje kratkoročne neadekvatnosti

Autor: Prešić, Dušan, Đalović, Andrijana, Vlaisavljević, Dušan
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5795347
Popis: IMPROVED METHODOLOGY FOR SOLVING SHORT-TERM INADEQUACY Abstract – Short-term adequacy forecast is ENTSO-E project established on Pan-European level with a goal to determine if available generation capacity of certain area and import from other areas meet the forecasted load of that area. In case that unsatisfied adequacy is determined on Pan-European level, regional security coordinators should apply methodologies for regional adequacy assessments, focusing on specific area with detected inadequacy. Within Horizon 2020 project CROSSBOW, SCC is in cooperation with Bulgarian transmission system operator ESO EAD developed methodology for detection and solving of short-term inadequacy in SouthEast Europe, while improvement of mention methodology is performed within Horizon 2020 project TRINITY. Aim of this paper is to show improved TRINITY methodology for solving short-term inadequacy on regional level, focusing on differences between it and same methodology developed within CROSSBOW project. Based on realistic example from South East Europe, results of starting CROSSBOW and improved TRINITY methodology are also presented in this paper
Databáze: OpenAIRE