KİTAP TANITIMI Hadis Rivayetinde Bağlam – Sebeb-i İrâdi'l-Hadis, Bekir Kuzudişli, İstanbul: Klasik Yayınları, Kasım 2020, 316

Jazyk: turečtina
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5812471
Popis: Tedvin öncesi dönem olarak nitelenen, Hicri I. ve Hicri II. asrın ilk çeyreğindeki rivayetin tabiatı ile tedvin dönemi olarak kabul edilen Hicri II. asrın ikinci çeyreğinden sonra gelişen rivayet tabiatı arasında önemli farklılıklar vardır. Günümüzde Hadis tarihi incelenirken, Hicri II ve III. asırlarda geliştirilmiş, metodoloji ve terminoloji üzerinden değerlendirmeler yapılmakta, hicri I. asrın kendine has özellikleri fark edilememekte, dolayısıyla Hadis verileri değerlendirilirken bir tür anakronizme düşülmektedir. Hicri I. asrın kendine has özelliklerinin bilinmesi, Hadis ilminde ve muhtemelen İslam ilimlerinde bazı önemli algı değişikliklerine vesile olabilir. Today, while examining the history of Hadith, evaluations are made using the methodology and terminology developed in the Hijri II and III centuries. Yet, the peculiarities of the period in which the Companions and the Tabiun lived are not noticed, so when evaluating the Hadith data, a kind of anachronism is observed. The hadith knowledge of the Companions could not be limited to the narrations transmitted from them or the data that reached us. The geography and periods in which the Companions lived had effects on their narration of the hadiths, as well as the events they experienced. During this period, geography and the personal-psychological-scientific preferences of the Companions played an important role in the transmission of hadiths. In this process, which politically corresponded to the period of the Four Caliphs and the Umayyads, the relations of the post-companion generation, both from the public and scientific circles, and from the political circles, with the Companions rendered some issues clear in the hadith narration, while causing some issues to become ambiguous. When the early period hadith sources are examined from different perspectives, it is possible to reach important findings regarding the pre-tadwin period, which is one of the most critical periods in the history of hadith. These findings may affect the perception of Hadith and Islamic sciences.
Databáze: OpenAIRE