The Capillary Flow Experiments (CFE-2) on ISS: Status

Autor: William H. Blackmore, Yongkang Chen, Charles T. Bunnell, Mark M. Weislogel, Lars Kiewidt, Jörg Klatte
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition.
Popis: Eleven handheld experiment units have been designed and fabricated for a second round of capillary fluidics experiments aboard the International Space Station (CFE-2). Four of the test containers were launched to ISS on STS 131 (April 5, 2007) and experiments are currently underway to investigate certain capillary flows in complex geometries including passive migration and phase separation in weakly three-dimensional containers and critical geometric wetting phenomena with disparate capillary length scales. Progress is reported for at least ten operations conducted to date. Parallel data reduction and numerical modeling show favorable agreement with the recently developed theory, which may be applied with greater confidence to spacecraft fluid system design. In other tests, highly repeatable critical wetting phenomena are pursued with nearly indistinguishable changes in geometry (i.e., vane angle rotations < 0.5o).
Databáze: OpenAIRE