Spoofing technique to counterfeit the GPS receiver on a drone

Autor: V G Sujadevi, Meher Madhu Dharmana, N Shijith, Prabaharan Poornachandran
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: 2017 International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy ( TAP Energy).
Popis: As the drones are one among the fast-growing technologies, there is an increase in demand for it. There are wide range of use for the drones varying from entertainment purpose to search and rescue and many sophisticated versions are even used in war fronts. These technologies when used in public might create confusions or even destruction. In this paper we introduce a method to capture or re-route the unwanted drones entering our premises. As most of the modern drones are equipped with GPS for its co-ordinate acquisition and even for autopilot and return to home function and the signals are un-encrypted, there stand a chance for us to take over the drone with our signal, guiding it to our desired location and to land. A manipulated signal which resembles the original GPS signal must be used for this purpose. We require a machine which runs Linux and a Software Defined Radio for this purpose.
Databáze: OpenAIRE