Organized Group Activity as a Protective Factor Against Adolescent Substance Use

Autor: Deidre Leaver-Dunn, Min Qi Wang, Lee Green, Steven Nagy, Craig Elder
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: American Journal of Health Behavior. 24
ISSN: 1087-3244
DOI: 10.5993/ajhb.24.2.3
Popis: OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between substance use and extracurricular school activities in a representative sample of adolescents in the southeastern United States. METHODS: Using a multiple logistic regression procedure in SPSS Base 8.0 for Windows, we analyzed the relationship of organized group activity with each illegal substance. RESULTS: Adolescents who participated in organized group activities were less likely to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and smoke marijuana when compared to their nonparticipant peers (p=.0001). CONCLUSION: Previous studies have supported physical activity as a factor that may help prevent substance use. However, our results suggest that participation in organized groups is protective against substance use. (Abstract Adapted from Source: American Journal of Health Behavior, 2000. Copyright © 2000 by the American Academy of Health Behavior) Senior High School Student Late Adolescence Juvenile Substance Use Substance Use Prevention Substance Use Protective Factors Extracurricular Activities Group Activities Alcohol Use Prevention Drug Use Prevention Marijuana Use Tobacco Use Prevention 08-00
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