Flora halofilă din Pajiștea 'Todirești'

Autor: Alina Pavliuc, Ghenadie Titica, Alexandru Ciubotaru
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of Botany.
ISSN: 2587-3814
DOI: 10.52240/1857-2367.2020.2(21).32
Popis: The results of the research conducted in 2017-2018 are presented in this article. The present paper analyses the vascular flora of the “Todirești” halophile meadow from the Todiresti commune, Ungheni district. The “Todirești” halophile meadow has an area of about 44.52 ha and is found in the eastern part of commune. We have recorded 83 species of vascular plants belonging to 61 genera and 24 families. In the halophile meadow, 37 species of halophiles (44.6 % of the total number of species) have been identified. The flora has been analysed in terms of taxonomy, life forms, geoelements, ecological index and economical importance. Three rare species with different conservation status have been identified.
Databáze: OpenAIRE