Analysis for Visualizing Actors' Experiences in E-learning Spaces to Create an Active Learner's Profile

Autor: Cristina Felea, Ramona Lacurezeanu, Liana Stanca
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: CoDIT
DOI: 10.1109/codit.2019.8820323
Popis: During the past ten years, the authors have developed a blended learning space provided with web 2.0 features, which offers unique opportunities for the study, analysis and interpretation of students' behavior so as to identify teaching methods and techniques that are adequate to the big data era. They are investigated with a mix of web usage mining techniques and formal concept analysis. The present article explores a novel approach, which will allow for the automatic discovery of concepts from students' behavior patterns that are generated as a reaction to teacher thinking and behavior patterns. The main objective of the study is to create a structure of meta-attributes needed by students in order to gain knowledge and skills (detection and prediction patterns) in a learning environment where support and guidance is provided by a more “knowledgeable other”. The results are expected to provide a minimal set of attributes that students need in order to be considered active participants in the learning process fostered within a wiki-based learning environment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE