Novel ‘anti-Prussian blue’ structure based on Zn2+nodes and [Re3Mo3S8(CN)6]6−heterometallic cluster spacers and its rearrangement to Prussian blue

Autor: Nikolay G. Naumov, Yakov M. Gayfulin, Yuri V. Mironov, Eugenia V. Peresypkina, Alexander V. Virovets
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: CrystEngComm. 17:1477-1482
ISSN: 1466-8033
Popis: The reaction between ZnCl2 and an aqueous solution of CaK4[Re3Mo3S8(CN)6]·8H2O is controlled by the concentration of NH3. High concentration of NH3 favors the formation of [Zn(NH3)4]8{Zn[Re3Mo3S8(CN)6]3}·9H2O with an ideal primitive cubic 3D network of Zn2+ cations joined by cyanocluster anions acting as unprecedented bulky linear spacers. The low concentration of NH3 leads to the formation of the usual Prussian blue structure [Zn(NH3)4]2[ZnRe3Mo3S8(CN)6]·2H2O with alternating octahedral Zn2+ and cyanocluster nodes. Both compounds contain a paramagnetic cluster anion with g = 2.279 and 2.280, respectively. Powder diffraction studies prove that the former compound transforms into the latter after the exposure of a polycrystalline sample to air.
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