Electronic Medical Records

Autor: Ken Trimmer, Leigh W. Cellucci, Carla Wiggins, William Woodhouse
Rok vydání: 2011
Popis: Many policymakers, industry experts, and medical practitioners contend that the U.S. health care system—in both the public and private sectors—is in crisis. Among the numerous policy issues associated with the provision of US healthcare is the call for increased adoption and use of health care information technology (HIT) to address structural inefficiencies and care quality issues [11, p. 33]. This paper reports the first steps in a multi-phased research effort into Electronic Medical Records system adoption. The first two phases of our research applies the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology as a lens to interpret the responses of physicians completing their Residency in Family Medicine and the third phase examines the role of organizational culture as a critical variable for effective strategy implementation in the same setting.
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