Determination of the shape of the spectral line of a radio frequency generator

Autor: V. A. Zverev, I. K. Spiridonova, V. V. Semenov, E. F. Orlov
Rok vydání: 1969
Zdroj: Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics. 12:921-925
ISSN: 1573-9120
Popis: Gorelik (1] has introduced the concepts of the "technical" and "natural" spect ra l l ine widths for RF genera tors . Bershtein [2] has developed and applied an experimental method based on the demodulation of the genera tor output. This method can be used to determine the natural line width due to shot noise in the elements of the genera tor against a backgrotmd of slow frequency drif ts which determine the technical width. The latter is much grea te r than the natural width. In addition, it is frequently neces sa ry to know the true spect ra l l ine width with allowance for all fac tors acting on the rea l generator .
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