Liquid Encapsulation and Related Technologies for the Czochralski Growth of Semiconductor Compounds

Autor: J. Brian Mullin
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: The Czochralski-related growth of semiconductor compounds is discussed with reference to the more developed III-Vs and II-VIs; this includes the main antimonides, arsenides, and phosphides, as well as CdTe, ZnTe, and ZnTe. The emphasis is on the technology of liquid-encapsulated Czochralski (LEC) and the historical evolution of the related technologies of pressure balancing, vapor pressure–controlled Cz growth, vapor pressure–controlled Cz growth, both with and without B2O3, and magnetic liquid–encapsulated kyropoulos. The principle constraints to the development of these technologies are reviewed. They include vapor pressure control of evaporative loss, knowledge of point defects, facets, twinning, nonstoichiometric growth, and the role of B2O3.
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