High Angular Resolution with Rotation Shearing Interferometers: Preliminary Results and Future Potentials

Autor: F. Roddier, C. Roddier
Rok vydání: 1982
Zdroj: International Astronomical Union Colloquium. 67:207-211
ISSN: 0252-9211
Popis: Compared to speckle-interferometry, amplitude-interferometry has the following advantages: (1) The amplitude of the object Fourier components is insensitive to both turbulence and telescope induced aberrations, permitting an accurate calibration of visibility curves,(2) Interferograms are free from speckle noise, permitting a better signal-to-noise ratio on bright sources,(3) Information can be retrieved from fewer exposures (including complete image reconstruction),(4) Accurate visual measurements of stellar diameters and of the angular spacing of binary stars can be easily performed.
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