A Simulation Procedure for Panel Age Forming

Autor: John Peddieson, Saeed D. Foroudastan, G. R. Buchanan, S. P. Narimetla
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. 120:183-190
ISSN: 1528-8889
Popis: A method of simulating the age forming of initially flat panels is proposed. It conceptually divides the process into three phases (loading, aging, and unloading) and simulates each phase separately. Some sample simulations are presented for 7075 aluminum alloy based on a simplified version of the general procedure (linear loading and unloading, nonlinear aging). The results of these simulations are used to illustrate several aspects of the predictions. An interesting finding is that the part shape and tool shape are geometrically similar in two important special cases.
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