Syringophilopsis polioptilus Skoracki, Flannery & Spicer, 2008, sp. n

Autor: Skoracki, Maciej, Flannery, Maureen E., Spicer, Greg S.
Rok vydání: 2008
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5662121
Popis: Syringophilopsis polioptilus sp. n. Figs. 1���10 Female (Figs. 1���7). Total body length of holotype 1,030 (995���1,030 in 5 paratypes). Gnathosoma. Hypostomal apex with 1 pair of minute, sharp-ended protuberances and 2 pairs of small, blunt���ended hypostomal lips (Fig. 3). Each branch of M-shaped peritremes with 15���18 chambers (Fig. 4). Cheliceral digit 140 (140) long. Stylophore slightly constricted posteriorly, 200 (190���205) long. Idiosoma. Propodonotal shield concave on anterior margin, punctated and sculptured, bearing bases of setae vi, ve, sci and d1. Setae sce situated slightly anterior to level of setae d1. Length ratio of setae vi:ve 1:1.8���2.3. True hysteronotal shields absent, but punctated area around bases of setae d2 present (Figs. 5, 6). Setae d2 situated 1.4 times closer to l2 than to l1. Pygidial shield present, with indistinct anterior margin. Setae d4 and d5 subequal and about 5��� 6 times shorter than l4 and l5. Paragenital setae (pg1���3) more than 3 times longer than genital setae (g1, g2). Cuticular striations as in Figs. 1 and 2. Legs. Coxal fields punctated. Fan-like setae p��� and p��� of legs III and IV with 9���10 tines (Fig. 7). Setae tc���III���IV about 1.4 times longer than tc���III���IV. Setae cxIII2 1.2���1.4 times longer than cxIII1. Length of setae: vi 110 (110���155); ve 250 (255���280); sci (325���340); h (315���325); sce 320 (335���400); l1 340 (350���375); l2 320 (330���365); l4 355 (355���405); l5 395 (400���455); d1 330 (330); d2 320 (350���380); d4 70 (70���85); d5 70 (70���85); a1 (30���35); a2 (30���35); g1 (65���70); g2 (65���70); pg1 245 (245��� 280); pg2 220 (240���280); pg3 280 (285���355); sc3 60 (50���60); sc4 60 (50���60); tc���III���IV 125; tc���III���IV 170; cxIII1 195 (155���180); cxIII2 275 (180���250). Male (Figs. 8���10). Total body length 680 in one paratype. Gnathosoma. Hypostomal apex rounded and without protuberances. Each transverse branch of peritremes with 5 chambers, each longitudinal branch with 8���10 chambers (Fig. 9). Cheliceral digit 130 long. Stylophore slightly constricted posteriorly, 165 long. Idiosoma. Propodonotal shield concave on anterior margin, punctated and sculptured on lateral margins. Setae sce situated slightly anterior to level of setae d1. Hysteronotal shield present, punctated, not fused to pygidial shield, carrying bases of setae d2 and l2. Setae l1 slightly (1.3 times) longer than d2 and l2. Setae d2 situated 1.4 times closer to l2 than to l1. Pygidial shield with indistinct anterior margin. Paragenital setae pg1��� pg3 subequal in length. Cuticular striations as in Figs. 8, 10. Legs. Fan-like setae p��� and p��� of legs III and IV with 8 tines. Setae cxIII2 1.4 times longer than cxIII1. Length of setae: vi 50; ve 50; sci 90; h 145; sce 80; l1 45; l2 35; l5 185; d1 110; d2 35; d5 35; pg1 120; pg2 125; pg3 120; cxIII1 65; cxIII2 90. Type host: Polioptila caerulea (Linnaeus, 1766) (Passeriformes: Polioptilidae). Site: Quills of primary feathers (Lp8, 9, Rp9). Type locality: USA, Texas, Johnson Co., Garen Ranch, 21 March 2004, G. Spicer coll. (GSS#1354). Type specimens: Female holotype and paratypes: 6 females, 1 male, 8 nymphs and 1 larva. Specimens deposited: Holotype and most paratypes deposited at NMNH, 1 female paratype at AMU. Etymology: The name polioptilus refers to the generic name of the host ��� Polioptila caerulea. Differential diagnosis. Syringophilopsis polioptilus is morphologically similar to S. sturni Chirov et Kravtsova, 1995 described from Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus (Passeriformes: Sturnidae) from Kirghizia (Chirov and Kravtsova 1995). In both species, females have the hypostomal apex with 1 pair of protuberances, paragenital setae pg2 are more than 4 times longer than the genital setae, and the length ratio of setae vi:ve is 1:2. This new species is distinguished from S. sturni by the following characters: in females of S. polioptilus, the length of the stylophore and chelicerae is 190���205 and 140, respectively; the hysteronotal shields are absent, but punctated areas around bases of setae d2 are present. In females of S. sturni, the length of the stylophore and chelicerae is 230���240 and 180���185, respectively; the unpunctated hysteronotal shields around bases of setae d2 are present.
Published as part of Maciej Skoracki, Maureen E. Flannery & Greg S. Spicer, 2008, Quill mites of the genus Syringophilopsis Kethley, 1970 (Acari: Syringophilidae) from North American birds, pp. 291-300 in Folia Parasitologica 55 on pages 292-294, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.321913
{"references":["CHIROV P. A., KRAVTSOVA N. T. 1995: [A new genus and new species of mites of the family Syringophilidae]. Parazitologiya 29: 370 - 379. (In Russian.)"]}
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