Influence of domains on the second harmonic generation in YBa2Cu3Oxsingle crystals

Autor: L. O. Shpaner, R. V. Lutciv, Mykola I. Kolinko, I.V. Kityk
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Ferroelectrics. 172:393-396
ISSN: 1563-5112
Popis: In the present paper the second harmonic generation (SHG) signal in YBa2Cu3Ox single crystals as a function of domain dimensions, experimental geometry, and mechanical and magnetic fields is investigated. It is found that the domain dimensions affect strongly the nonlinear optical susceptibilities by meeting the phase synchronism conditions. The SHG signal is found to be independent of the incident light polarization direction. It is shown how magnetic and mechanical fields applied cause an influence of domain boundary regions on a value of the SHG signal.
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