Rural Electrification Concessions in Africa: What Does Experience Tell Us?

Autor: Mitsunori Motohashi, Richard Hosier, David Vilar de Ferrenbach, Morgan Bazilian, Tatia Lemondzhava, Kabir Malik
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: This report evaluates the use of rural electrification concessions in Africa. It provides a comprehensive overview of successful and failed cases and identifies the likely factors behind successes. The research was conducted in three stages. First, a detailed desk review of rural electric concessions in Africa was undertaken to understand the landscape of concessions. Next, six in-depth, field-based country case studies were prepared. Finally, a limited desk review of the experiences with concessions and concession-like structures in both Asia and Latin America was carried out to provide a point of comparison for the African experience. To extend the educational, economic, and health-related benefits of electricity to more people, African governments are working to increase the scale and pace of rural electrification, often in partnership with international donors guided by the international Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) Initiative. SE4All, a partnership of the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Energy Agency, has drawn the attention of the international community to the more than 1.1 billion people around the world now living without access to modern energy sources. Of these people, roughly 630 million live in Sub- Saharan Africa, where the overall rate of access to electricity is just 35 percent; the rural rate is considerably lower (World Bank and IEA 2015). In several countries, fewer than 20 percent of rural dwellers have access to electricity in their homes. At its founding in 2013, SE4All announced the goal of achieving universal access to electricity by 2030. This report is aimed at two primary audiences: World Bank energy and infrastructure practitioners, who often receive queries from clients about the potential benefits and challenges of using concessions for rural electrification, and governments in Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond that are considering using the concession approach to address the challenge of rural electrification.
Databáze: OpenAIRE