Hukum Safar bagi Wanita Tanpa Mahram Menurut Mazhab Syāfi’ī dan Hambalī

Autor: null Ronny Mahmuddin, Syandri Syandri, null M. Amirullah, null Muh. Agung Fahmi Syam
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: BUSTANUL FUQAHA: Jurnal Bidang Hukum Islam. 2:445-456
ISSN: 2723-6021
DOI: 10.36701/bustanul.v2i3.412
Popis: This study aims to find out the views of the Syāfi'ī and Hanbalī schools in the issue of safar for women without the company of mahrams. The research methods used are qualitative research through juridical-normative and comparative-analysis approaches. Where the research data focuses on the study of manuscripts and texts obtained through the classical jurisprudies of the two mażhabs, such as kitab al-um, Majmῡ', al-Mugnī, and other books related to safar for women without the company of mahram. The results of this study show that the Syāfi'ī school is of the view that in safar it is mandatory to do so with the position of the mahram that can be replaced by a trusted Muslim woman, or with a muslim girl group if the journey is safe from evil for herself and her religion. As for the view of the Hanbalī school, the existence of mahram is mandatory in women's safar, where this mandatory requirement applies in every obligatory journey or purpose of obligatory worship, even more so in the worship of sunah or safar mubah, and the tendency of this opinion refers to the specificity of the propositions about safar. An opinion that is more relevant to the current conditions in safar law for women without mahrams is the Syāfi'ī school, because it sees the changes and circumstances of the present times and also has the propositions naqlī and 'aqlī as supporters of this opinion, but still prioritizes the existence of mahram when it wants to bersafar.
Databáze: OpenAIRE