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Trial trenching evaluation comprising 19 trenches to test for geophysical anomalies identified by an earlier survey which are potentially indicative of archaeological features. Trenches 11, 12, 13, 15, 17 and 18 all recorded archaeological features of possible late prehistoric, but more probably early Roman, date. Probable boundary ditches were recorded in Trenches 12, 13 and 18, while Trench 17 contained four such features, two of which were intercutting and thus indicative of boundary re-definition. One of the features in Trench 17 produced three abraded sherds of probable early Roman pottery, while a shallow ditch in Trench 13 yielded a fragment of possible Roman roof tile and another ditch in Trench 17 contained a worked flint, probably residual in context but underlining the potential for prehistoric activity at the site. |