Koordinationschemische Stabilisierung 'nackter'︁ Elemente der V. Hauptgruppe (außer Stickstoff) - Synthese, Struktur und Bindung

Autor: Manfred Scheer, Eckhard Herrmann
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Zeitschrift für Chemie. 30:41-55
ISSN: 0044-2402
Popis: The complexchemisty of “nacked” Ex-unites (E = P, As, Sb, Bi; x = 1–6) has developed rapidly since the end of the seventies. Most of the Ex-groups, except P4, are unstable in the free state but can be stabilized by complexation with transition metal fragments. They are isolobal to the corresponding (CH)x-arrangements. This article gives a comprehensive review of this young and dynamic field of chemistry up to 1988. It generalizes methods of synthesis, compares modes of coordination and types of polyeders of these complexes. The article describes the analogies and differences in the coordination behaviour of “nacked” Ex-groups of phosphorus, arsenic, antimony and bismuth. Thus, there is an anomaly of bismuthine complexes by reason of the metallic character of Bi.
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