Baraba Waldsteppe, Russland. Westsibirien. Neues zu Andronovo-Fundplätzen in der nördlichen Baraba Steppe. Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2020 und 2021

Autor: Reinhold, Sabine, Eger, Jana, Kobeleva, Lilja S., Molodin, Vjačeslav I., Mylnikova, Lûdmila N.
Jazyk: němčina
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.34780/8ih9-xa98
Popis: e-Forschungsberichte, Faszikel 1 (2022)
The steppe and forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia is one of the core ­regions of the Eurasian continent. Among the sites in the Siberian Forest steppe, those of the Andronovo (Fёdorovo) cultural community occupy a ­special position. In the northern Baraba Forest steppe many burial sites of these communities are known, including the large necropolises of Tartas 1, a long-term joint excavation of the Eurasia-Department and the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology in Novosibirsk. However, nearly no settlements associated with the necropolises were known and it was a mystery, where the population lived at that time. In 2020, such an Andronovo (Fёdorovo) settlement site was discovered near the village of Vengerovo, Novosibirisk region; excavations started in 2021. The location of this site was surprising. Unlike other settlements, the site of Tartas 5 is located not on the riverbank but in the floodplain of the Tartas River. The site revealed a stratigraphy with two cultural horizons and sterile sediments in-between, stemming from ­repeated flooding of the plain. The lower stratum is associated with the ­Andronovo (Fёdorovo) cultural community, the upper layer dates most likely to the Iron Age. A short overview of complexes, layers, and the animal bone collection analyzed in 2021 is given. First dates place into the 15th/14th ­century BCE.
Databáze: OpenAIRE