Measuring informativeness of a web document

Autor: Divyam Pandey, Astha Singhal, Deepti Mehrotra, Renuka Nagpal
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: 2016 6th International Conference - Cloud System and Big Data Engineering (Confluence).
DOI: 10.1109/confluence.2016.7508199
Popis: A web document of an educational web site is a document which caters updated and latest information to the user within precise time that defines the informativeness of a web document. While navigating a web document user expects that the facts which are cited in a web document must be Complete, Current, Accurate, and Reliable. On the basis of these factors in the ensuing paper we took a survey of 6 educational web documents which was conducted by 100 students per web document in which we have enforced Factor Analysis and assertive tests which assures the adequacy and significance of the sample using SPSS tool to find the principal components of these factors. On the basis of eigenvalue above 1 of those 4 factors in the ensuing paper we have prioritized the factors on the basis of which equipped information should be commenced in a sequenced and prioritized demeanour in a web document.
Databáze: OpenAIRE