Intersectional Invisibility Revisited — Effects of Invisibility and Blatant Discrimination

Autor: Jumani, Shariq, Dawood, Maneeza
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: The purpose of this study is to better understand how different kinds of discrimination may differentially impact the target of this discrimination i.e. black women. When we think about discrimination, we typically think of it as purposeful and deliberate with the target experiencing a negative event because of their social identity. However, research from social psychology and sociology suggests that there may be a second, less deliberate form of discrimination--invisibility. Invisibility discrimination is the failure to fully recognize people with intersecting stigmatized identities (e.g., Black women) as members of their overarching identity groups (i.e., Blacks, women). Based on existing literature, we predict that this may induce negative affect in the subject because social belonging is integral to mental health. Thus, a black woman feeling that they do not count as a "full" member of their constituent identity groups may be experienced by targets very differently than feeling like one was targeted specifically because of their group membership. This study aims to further understand this distinction.
Databáze: OpenAIRE