Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Wings Using a Parallel Newton-Krylov Approach

Autor: Timothy Leung, David W. Zingg
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: AIAA Journal. 50:540-550
ISSN: 1533-385X
DOI: 10.2514/1.j051192
Popis: ANewton–Krylov algorithm for aerodynamic shape optimization in three dimensions is presented for both singlepoint andmultipoint optimization. An inexact Newtonmethod is used to solve the Euler equations, a discrete adjoint method is used to compute the gradient, and an optimizer based on a quasi-Newtonmethod is used tofind the optimal geometry. Theflexible generalizedminimal residualmethod is usedwith approximate Schur preconditioning to solve both the flow equation and the adjoint equation. Thewing geometry is parameterized byB-spline surfaces, and a fast algebraic algorithm is used for grid movement at each iteration. An effective strategy is presented to enable simultaneous optimization of planform variables and section shapes. Optimization results are presented with up to 225 design variables to demonstrate the capabilities and efficiency of the approach.
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