Joint Facial and Invasive Neck Trauma (J‐FAINT) Study

Autor: Nathan L. Salinas, Brent A. Feldt, Joseph Brennan, Todd E. Rasmussen
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery. 147
ISSN: 1097-6817
Popis: Objective: 1) Describe the rate and type(s) of head and neck trauma in Iraq and Afghanistan theaters during 2003-2011 using military trauma database. 2) Determine directions for future research in personal protective and tactical gear to help prevent injury and death from facial and neck trauma in war and civilian uses.Method: Study of US servicemembers in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2003-2011. Data were collected December 2011. Examples of data include type and severity of head and neck trauma, associated injuries, age, sex, theater of injury, injury severity score, and abbreviated injury scale. Data were collected using the Joint Theater Trauma System (JTTS).Results: Data analysis is ongoing. The analysis demonstrates 7,177 service members who sustained head and neck trauma during the study period in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined. Of those patients sustaining head and neck trauma, 270 (3.8%) were killed in action or died of wounds. About one-third sustained head and/or neck trauma alone, but most had ass...
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