Paphiopedilum charlesworthii var. lannaense W. Tongkham, S. Pumikong, N. Potapohn & W. Bundithya 2022, ssp. nov

Autor: Tongkham, Wicharuj, Pumikong, Supalak, Potapohn, Nuttha, Bundithya, Weenun
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5843844
Popis: Paphiopedilum charlesworthii var. lannaense W. Tongkham, S. Pumikong, N. Potapohn & W. Bundithya, ssp. nov (Figs 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11) Type:��� Thailand: Lampang (���������������) province, Jae Hom (������������������) district, in lightly shaded or vertical cliffs of limestone at an elevation of 1,100���1,200 m, 23 August 2021, S. Pumikong 021001 (holotype QBG! [no. 132572]) A lithophytic herbs. Leaves 4���5, linear-oblong, slightly obtuse at unequally bilobulate at apex, 2.0��� 2.5 cm wide, 10���15 cm long, dark green, purple spotted near base below. Inflorescence 1-flowered; peduncle 9���15 cm long, slender and strong, shortly pubescent, green, densely spotted brownish purple; bract elliptic, obtuse, 1.0 ��� 1.5 cm wide, 2.5���3.0 cm long, green, spotted dark purple, ciliate. Flower 5.5 ��� 6.5 cm across; dorsal sepal purplish pink to white with reddish purple veins; synsepal pale yellow - green with reddish brown veins; petals glossy, pale greenish yellow with brown veins; labellum glossy, brownish yellow with reddish brown veins; pedicel and ovary green, pubescent, 3.0 ��� 3.5 cm long. Dorsal sepal ovate - elliptic to ovate, obtuse, 3.0 ��� 4.0 cm wide, 4.0 ��� 4.5 cm long, basal margins slightly recurved, apical margins incurved and undulate. Synsepal oblong - elliptic, subacute to obtuse, 2.0 ��� 2.5 cm wide, 3.5 ��� 4.0 cm long. Petals subhorizontal, incurved, narrowly oblong, rounded at apex, 0.8 ��� 1.0 cm wide, 3.8���4.5cm long, slightly twisted at apex, ciliate at base. Labellum saccate, tapering to narrow apex, 2.0��� 2.4 cm wide, 3.0��� 3.5 cm long. Staminode obovate - obcordate, obtuse to rarely retuse, 0.9���1.0 cm wide, 0.9���1.0 cm long, rough surface, glittery, yellow with raised yellow wart. Flowering in cultivation: ���July���September Distribution: ���Endemic to Northern Thailand, Lampang province. Habitat: ���Grow on lightly shaded or vertical cliffs on limestone with its roots adhere in cracks or on narrow shelves of limestone. Etymology: ��� lannaense describes the name of biggest ancient kingdom (Lanna) in Northern Thailand. Notes: ���This new slipper orchid is morphologically close to Paphiopedilum charlesworthii, from which it differs by its dorsal sepal character, smaller flower size, and its staminode is obovate-obcordate with yellow color, rough surface, glittery and raised yellow wart.
Published as part of Tongkham, Wicharuj, Pumikong, Supalak, Potapohn, Nuttha & Bundithya, Weenun, 2022, Paphiopedilum charlesworthii var. lannaense, a new slipper orchid from Northern Thailand identified by morphological and AFLP analyses, pp. 1-17 in Phytotaxa 531 (1) on page 16, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.531.1.1,
Databáze: OpenAIRE