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Retrocitomyia fluminensis Lopes, 1985 (Figs 10, 15) Diagnosis. Male cercus wide, cercal base with long setae along the inner margin but interrupted in the middle, and cercal prongs conspicuously enlarged and divergent, with numerous apical setae (posterior view); phallus with juxta well-sclerotized and broad, apical margin with a median hollow (posterior view) and vesica with lateral lobes projected ventrally. Redescripton. Male (Figs 10, 15). Length: 6–8 mm. Differs from R. sisbiota sp. nov. as follows: face and parafacial with light-silver pruinosity; 10 well-developed frontal setae reaching level of apex of pedicel; palpus brown with darkened apex; T5 with about 20 marginal setae; syntergosternite 7+8 with about 6 long and fine marginal setae; epandrium with light golden pruinosity in posterior half; cercal base with long setae along the inner margin, median region of cercus slightly curved backward and with elongated setae, cercal prongs broad with numerous apical setae; surstylus short and broad; postgonite narrow, with a preapical dilation carrying a seta and a pointed, laterallt curved apex; pregonite broad with a curved apex; vesica with lateral lobes projected ventrally; juxta well-sclerotized and broad, apical margin with a median hollow (posterior view). Female. Unknown. Material examined. Holotype ♂: “ Parada Sahy [Saí] x. [19]50 / Mangaratiba [BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro] / SegadasViana [leg.] [handwritten on white paper]” // “ Holotype [printed on red paper, black frame]” // “ Retrocitomyia ♂ / fluminensis n. sp. / Holotypus [handwritten on white paper] / Det. H.S. Lopes [printed]” // “ MNRJ 2272 [printed on white paper]” (MNRJ). Other material—BRAZIL, Mato Grosso: Poconé, Fazenda Rio Clarinho, 20º41’54”S 56º52’55.04”W, sweep net, 16.vii.2012, C.J.E. Lamas leg., 3 ♂ (MNRJ); Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Guimarães, 15º24’33.0”S 55º49’54.9”W, modified van Sommeren trap (fish-baited), 06–07.ix.2011, C.J.E. Lamas et al. leg., 1 ♂ (MNRJ); Mato Grosso do Sul: Bodoquena, Fazenda Califórnia, 20º41’54”S 56º52’56.04”W, modified van Sommeren trap (fish-baited), 07–08.viii.2011, C.J.E. Lamas leg., 10 ♂ (5 MNRJ, 5 MZUSP); Corumbá, BEP [Base de Estudos do Pantanal / UFMS], 19º34’20.9”S 57º00’57.09”W, transparent pan trap, riparian forest, 05.viii.2011, Lamas, Nihei et al. leg., 2 ♂ (MZUSP); same data as previous except hand net, swamp, 1 ♂ (MNRJ). Remarks. The biology of this species is still unknown, but it is probably a typical saprophagous species because most specimens collected during the Sisbiota – Diptera project were attracted using fish as bait in modified van Sommeren traps. The species was known previously only from the state of Rio de Janeiro in the Atlantic Forest biome. Its distribution is here extended to the states of MT and MS, in the Cerrado and Pantanal biomes, but mainly in the slightly more humid riparian forest areas. |