A Cloud-Based Interactive Application Service

Autor: Tingxi Tan, Cameron Kiddle, R. Curry, Andrey Mirtchovski, Rob Simmonds, Nayden Markatchev
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: eScience
Popis: Accessing, running and sharing applications and data presents researchers with many challenges. Cloud computing and social networking technologies have the potential to simplify or eliminate many of these challenges. Cloud computing technologies can provide scientists with transparent and on-demand access to applications served over the Internet in a dynamic and scalable manner. Social networking technologies provide a means for easily sharing applications and data. In this paper we present an on-line/on-demand interactive application service. The service is built on a cloud computing infrastructure that dynamically provisions virtualized application servers based on user demand. An open source social networking platform is leveraged to establish a portal front end that enables applications and results to be easily shared between researchers. Furthermore, the service works with existing/legacy applications without requiring any modifications.
Databáze: OpenAIRE