On-Surface Synthesis and Real-Space Visualization of Aromatic P3N3

Autor: Qigang Zhong, Artur Mardyukov, Ephrath Solel, Daniel Ebeling, André Schirmeisen, Peter Schreiner
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: On-surface synthesis is at the verge of emerging as the method of choice for the generation and visualization of unstable or unconventional molecules, which could not be obtained via traditional synthetic methods. A case in point is the on-surface synthesis of the structurally elusive cyclotriphosphazene (P3N3), an inorganic aromatic analogue of benzene. Here, we report the preparation of this fleetingly existing species on a Cu(111) surface at 5.2 K through molecular manipulation with unprecedented precision, i.e., voltage pulse-induced sextuple dechlorination of an ultra-small (about 6 Å) hexachlorophosphazene P3N3Cl6 molecule by the tip of a scanning probe microscope. Real-space atomic-level imaging of cyclotriphosphazene reveals its planar D3h-symmetric ring structure. Furthermore, this synthetic strategy has been expanded to generate cyclotriphosphazene via photolysis of a hexaazide precursor P3N21 for complementary measurements by matrix isolation infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE