Autor: Takafumi Iwano, Hiroyuki Nasu, Tadanori Hashimoto, Kanichi Kamiya
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Journal of Materials Science. 35:3097-3103
ISSN: 0022-2461
Popis: CdSe microcrystals were successfully dispersed in GeO2 glass andCaF2 crystal thin films by rf-sputtering. All films preparedshowed the blue shift of absorption edge in visible spectra due toquantum size effect. The amount of the blue shift of the filmsincreased with decreasing the size of the microcrystals. Comparingthe amount of the particle size–depending blue shift of CdSemicrocrystals dispersed in between the GeO2, CaF2 and SiO2 matricies, the influence of the matrix on the shift was found.Therefore, it can be said that there is an influence of the matrix onthe quantum size effect. From the modified theoretical calculation,the influence of matrix was considered to appear through Coulombinteraction between electrons and holes.
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