The atopic desease development in infants and preschool children in Lesnoy town of Sverdlovsk region

Autor: V N Shershnev, I A Tuzankina, N A Volkova
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Russian Journal of Allergy. 12:59-63
ISSN: 2686-682X
DOI: 10.36691/rja467
Popis: The aim of study. To determine the structure of atopic diseases and characterization of different allergens in their progression in infants and preschool children in Lesnoy town. Material and methods. We studied a spectrum of allergen-specific IgE antibodies in children’s blood with different allergic diseases. Comparative analysis of the results was conducted with methods of mathematical statistics. Results. Our data demonstrate the different stages of formation of atopic diseases in children. We revealed that clinical symptoms of atopic diseases and relevance of allergens were changing gradually as children were getting older. Our results showed that the role of nutrition allergens is reduced while airborne allergens came to the fore. Conclusion. Formation and progression of atopic diseases are determined by various allergens. The temporary relevance of different types of allergens indicates a diversity of multivalent sensibilization during affection of the «shock» organ; the result of this phenomenon appears as atopic march. Detection the relevant causative allergens is important for prevention of progression of allergic diseases.
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