BRAVES database Version 1.1: vehicular emissions in Brazil

Autor: Leonardo Hoinaski, Thiago Vieira Vasques, Camilo Bastos Ribeiro, Bianca Meotti
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6585431
Popis: The BRAzilian Vehicular Emissions inventory Software (BRAVES) database is a multispecies and high spatiotemporal resolution database of vehicular emissions in Brazil. We provide this database using a spatial disaggregation based on road density, temporal disaggregation using vehicular flow profiles, and chemical speciation based on SPECIATE database from the United States Environmental Protection Agency. We provide netCDF files with spatial resolution of 0.05x0.05 and annual emissions from 2013 to 2019. Files are divided by vehicle type (light, commercial-light, motorcycles, and heavy). We also provide the total vehicular emissions (sum of emissions from all vehicle types). The database contains emissions of 41 chemical species, such as ACET, ACROLEIN, ALD2, BENZ, BUTADIENE13, CH4, CO, CO2, ETH, ETHA, ETHY, ETOH, FORM, ISO, N2O, NAPH, NO, NO2, PAL, PCA, PCL, PEC, PFE, PK, coarse mode primary PM (PMC), PMG, PMN, unspeciated PM2.5 (PMOTHR), PNA, PNH4, PNO3, POC, PRPA, PSI, PSO4, PTI, SO2, TERP, TOL, VOC, and XYLMN. Codes from BRAVES are available by registering at and, where users can access instructions to run the database and download the input files. In this updated version from the first BRAVES database version, we have preserved estimates of ETOH and RCHO from CETESB. Brazil has a unique chemical signature of the chemical composition due to the biofuels (27% of gasoline is ethanol and 7% of diesel is bio-diesel). The emissions of C2H4O (ALD2), CH2O (FORM), and C3H6O (ACET) have been derived from RCHO emissions. We have used US-EPA Speciate to speciate compounds only when local emission factors of RCHO and ETOH are not available, such as in the case of motorcycles and heavy vehicles. We have also included emissions of PM2.5 (PMFINE), speciating coarse PM emissions from brake and tires (40%), road wear (53%), road dust resuspension (17%), and exhaust emissions (100%). Pixel center coordinates (longitude, latitude), pixel area (AREA), and pixel local time zone (LTZ) shift from UTC has been added to the netCDF files. This database has been currently part of the preprint currently under review for the journal ESSD ( Files description: BRAVESdatabaseAnnual_BR_(Vehicle Type)_(resolution)_(year).nc - Annual emissions in Brazil by vehicle type and 0.05x0.05 degree of resolution. Domain: lati = -36 #(Brazil) #lati = int(round(bound.miny)) # Initial latitude latf = 8 #(Brazil) #latf = int(round(bound.maxy)) # Final latitude loni = -76 #(Brazil) #loni = int(round(bound.minx)) # Initial longitude lonf = -32 #(Brazil) #lonf = int(round(bound.maxx)) # Final longitude deltaX = 0.05 # Grid resolution/spacing in x direction deltaY = 0.05 # Grig resolution/spacing in y direction  
Databáze: OpenAIRE