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The archaeological excavation was undertaken following the methodology that was detailed in the Written Scheme of Investigation (PCA 2020), which was approved by the Local Planning Authority in advance of the commencement of works. The investigation comprised the mechanical stripping of two areas, Area 1 and Area 2, targeting areas of archaeological potential revealed by evaluation trenches. The total area comprise approximately 1ha. The investigations revealed archaeological resources that show multiple phases of activity within the Site. The earliest activity dates to the Prehistoric period, comprising a series of ditches and some dispersed pits, uncovered in the northeast part of the site. In the western part of the Site features dating to the Saxon, Medieval and Post-medieval periods were uncovered. The Saxon activity is represented by a few linears and dispersed pits. The Medieval activity dominates the western part of the Site. The activity uncovered from this period comprises a series of ditches, interpreted as plot boundaries along the northwest edge of the site, with field boundaries behind - to the southeast. A number of pit dating to the medieval period were area uncovered, including two cess pits and a flint lined well. The post-medieval phase of activity comprises a few dispersed pits and some large ditches, observed running across the Western part of the Site, these are believed to be field boundaries. |