Root Apex Closure and Unique Modification of Mouthguard in Prevention Traumatic Facial Injuries- A Case Report and Review

Autor: Keyur Joshi, Bhavin vasava, Leena Hiren Jobanputra, Bhavna Dave
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Journal of Advanced Oral Research. 4:15-20
ISSN: 2320-2076
Popis: It has been widely reported that participation in sports carries a considerable risk of sustaining dental injury. A considerable number of papers have appeared in the dental literature highlighting the dangers of participation in such contact sports activities, in particular ‘stick’ sports such as lacrosse, and fi eld and ice hockey. An almost universal fi nding is that the majority of injuries affect the upper jaw, with the maxillary incisors being most prone to injury, often accounting for as many as 80% of all cases. Highly signifi cant differences have been shown to exist between the number of teeth injured and the causes of injury. In children, sports accidents reportedly account for 10-39% of all dental injuries and often involve teeth with incomplete root formation. Boys are more likely than girls to incur injuries; at a ratio of 1·5-3·1, the highest incidence occurs between the ages of 8 and 11. Hence injuries occur mostly to the primary or young permanent teeth, which is generally complicated because of patient/parent’s compliance and diffi cult clinical conditions such as treatment of immature young permanent teeth. Adding signifi cance to these fi nding is that school teachers often have inadequate knowledge of how to deal with such dental injuries. The current case report describes a healthy 11 years old male with history of frequent trauma to teeth 11 and 21 while playing since 2 years.
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