
Autor: Florian Weber, Pratyush Agnihotri, Sascha Peters
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: DEBS
Popis: The main mission of smart cities is to offer core infrastructure and quality of life to its citizens. This quality of life can be achieved by providing a cleaner and sustainable environment. However, the main mission of smart cities is undermined due to the existing data-centric applications. Data-centric approaches feed on the data of users and lack of users privacy and security. In result, smart city solutions elected by city administration are not entirely adopted by citizens. We need to understand the fact that each and every city and its citizen are different from each other and the same solution cannot be applied to all of them. If we will accept this fact then we can offer a sustainable solution which will be used by city administration but also welcomed by its citizens.In this paper we are discussing the city and user-centric solution "axxessity" which is designed and proposed to the city administration of Bonn. The solution is powered by the Open Urban Platform. In our approach citizens and cities are in the center of attention while deciding for a digitization-solution for respective cities. Our achievements lie in the fact that our solution cares about citizens privacy first. Moreover, the platform can be scaled and adapted to the heterogeneous demands of cities and citizens. As a result, it is most welcomed by citizens and accepted by the city administration. However, we accept the fact that solutions and processes need to be upgraded and strengthened with time. Therefore, we would like to take the opportunity to present our axxessity solution and platform to show the capability of our solution followed by getting valuable feedback from researchers and industry experts.
Databáze: OpenAIRE