Estimativa do percentual de abatimento de erosão para as condições da bacia do Itajaí

Autor: Alexander Christian Vibrans, Beate Frank, Maria Amélia Pellizzetti
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Seminário de Recursos Hídricos da Bacia Hidrográfica do Paraíba do Sul.
ISSN: 1982-1751
DOI: 10.4136/serhidro.44
Popis: The National Policy on Water Resources established the articulation between the management of soil use and management of water resources. Inappropriate agricultural practices can cause damage to the productive potential of the soil and to the environment, especially to the water resources, besides impacting the productivity of farmland and the rural economy and accelerating the exodus from rural areas. Financial incentives, established based on estimates of the erosion reduction, in order to stimulate conservationist agricultural practices, are considered as an alternative for soil and water conservation. This article shows estimates of the potential erosion caused by the main crops and agricultural practices found in the watershed of the Itajai river, in Santa Catarina state. With the results it is intended to assist in the process of articulated management, searching to realize the population’s desires detected by the Committee of the Itajai, generating information that can subsidize related specific actions within the “Water Producer Program” in the regional conditions of the Itajai basin. Palavras-chave: praticas agricolas, processos erosivos, politicas publicas de conservacao de agua e solo, manejo de bacias hidrograficas.
Databáze: OpenAIRE