Effects of dietary Salba (Salvia hispanica L.) on glucose metabolism in an experimental model of dyslipidemia and insulin resistance

Autor: Yolanda B. Lombardo, Agustina Creus, Adriana Chicco, María Eugenia Oliva
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Epidemiological, clinical, and animal studies have demonstrated that the increase of dietary n-3 long-chain fatty acids (LCPUFAs) from marine or plant sources plays an important role in the prevention or treatment of the adverse effects of the metabolic syndrome (MS). Salvia hispanica L., commonly known as chia, is one of the botanical oil sources rich in alpha linolenic acid 18:3, n-3 (ALA). Recent clinical studies have shown that the administration of chia seed could reduce some MS risk factors. The present chapter analyzes the mechanisms underlying the possible beneficial effects of dietary chia seed on improving/reversing both the altered glucose homeostasis and insulin resistance present in an experimental model that mimics the MS in humans. The study focuses on two target tissues of insulin action, skeletal and heart muscle. Through several possible coordinated mechanisms, dietary chia seed was able to ameliorate glucose metabolism and insulin resistance and improve fuel utilization.
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