Improving Performance During Coiled Tubing Logging Operations With a Rugged, Modular, Stab-Through Tool System

Autor: Steve Bissonnette, C. W. Senters, Don Ray Cardon, Rex Burgos, Hubertus V. Thomeer
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: All Days.
Popis: Coiled tubing logging (CTL) or conveying electric logging tools with coiled tubing (CT) was first adopted as a technique during the late 1980s. With this technique, the rigidity of the CT allowed conventional logging tools to be pushed into highly deviated and horizontal wellbores, which were otherwise inaccessible at that time. The advent of wireline tractor technology has since provided an alternative to log some well profiles without employing CT at all. CTL still provides a superior solution for many well types and operations. Some of the advantages of the technique, which make it relevant even today, include the ability to pump while logging, efficacy in openhole environments, and overall robustness of the downhole system. CTL, as a technique, however, comes with some complexities. Operationally, many of these complexities revolve around the logging head adapter, which is the component that connects the logging tools to the CT cable assembly. Over the years, tool designs have evolved to incorporate several feature upgrades, which are aimed at improving overall system performance and reliability. A novel tool design, which addresses the significant downtime associated with building the logging head assembly during CTL operations was recently introduced into service. The rugged system, with its unique injector stab-through feature, can be used during CT-assisted well-logging and wired-perforating operations. Several case histories have demonstrated that the system results in improved overall performance through reduced operating time without compromising tool reliability and function.
Databáze: OpenAIRE