Analysis of Dual Rotating Rake Data from the NASA Glenn Advanced Noise Control Fan Duct with Artificial Sources

Autor: Daniel L. Sutliff, Milo D. Dahl
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference.
DOI: 10.2514/6.2014-3316
Popis: The Rotating Rake mode measurement system was designed to measure acoustic duct modes generated by a fan stage. Initially, the mode amplitudes and phases were quantified from a single rake measurement at one axial location. To directly measure the modes propagating in both directions within a duct, a second rake was mounted to the rotating system with an offset in both the axial and the azimuthal directions. The rotating rake data analysis technique was then extended to include the data measured by the second rake. The analysis resulted in a set of circumferential mode levels at each of the two rake microphone locations. Radial basis functions were then least-squares fit to this data to obtain the radial mode amplitudes for the modes propagating in both directions within the duct. Validation experiments have been conducted using artificial acoustic sources. Results are shown for the measurement of the standing waves in the duct from sound generated by one and two acoustic sources that are separated into the component modes propagating in both directions within the duct. Measured reflection coefficients from the open end of the duct are compared to analytical predictions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE