Progress on a Rayleigh Scattering Mass Flux Measurement Technique

Autor: Michelle M. Clem, Stefanie M. Hirt, Jacobs Sverdrup, Amy F. Mielke-Fagan, Kristie A. Elam
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition.
DOI: 10.2514/6.2010-856
Popis: [Abstract] A Rayleigh scattering diagnostic has been developed to provide mass flux measurements in wind tunnel flows. Spectroscopic molecular Rayleigh scattering is an established flow diagnostic tool that has the ability to provide simultaneous density and velocity measurements in gaseous flows. Rayleigh scattered light from a focused 10 Watt continuous-wave laser beam is collected and fiber-optically transmitted to a solid FabryPerot etalon for spectral analysis. The circular interference pattern that contains the spectral information that is needed to determine the flow properties is imaged onto a CCD detector. Baseline measurements of density and velocity in the test section of the 15 cm x 15 cm Supersonic Wind Tunnel at NASA Glenn Research Center are presented as well as velocity measurements within a supersonic combustion ramjet engine isolator model installed in the tunnel test section.
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