Röntgenmikroanalyse im Elektronenmikroskop Teil Ill: Austenitisch-martensitische und austenitische Stähle / X-Ray Microanalysis in the Electron Microscope Part Ill: Austenitic-Martensitic and Austenitic Steels

Autor: Hans Peter Degischer, Gerd Maussner
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Practical Metallography. 28:62-74
ISSN: 2195-8599
DOI: 10.1515/pm-1991-280203
Popis: The work regarding the use of STEM and EDS to investigate martensitic-austenitic and austenitic steels which were found in the course of a literature survey carried out by the Working Group Electron Microscopy of the VDEh Materials Section mainly deal with the following themes: The formation of chromium carbide precipitates at the grain boundaries (sensitization) together with the associated chromium denuding processes, e.g. as the cause of the sensitization against intergranular corrosion, radiation induced precipitation and segregation processes and temperature/time induced precipitation and segregation processes in which the chemical composition of the precipitates formed can be determined
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